Woodland / Paw Creek Reading Program


Every Tuesday afternoon, twelve eager second graders from Paw Creek Elementary School in western Mecklenburg County arrive at Paw Creek Church. Volunteers from the Paw Creek and Woodland Churches meet their bus, offer a snack and some recreation in the gym, and then everyone gets down to business in a bright and cheerful classroom. The purpose of the program is to instill the love of reading for these children before they get worn down by the pressures of testing and grading – to make love of reading a skill for life.


During the course of the afternoon adults read to them, they read to the adults, and they read to each other. They choose books from well-stocked book shelves. The room is full of smiles and laughter.  Our Program Facilitator Sarah Taylor prepares the language lessons and oversees selection of reading materials that are appropriate for each child.


Please contact Barbara Ullem at 704-804-0544 to learn more about becoming a volunteer reading buddy.

Donations to the Reading Program may be made to the church with a designation in the memo line –“Woodland/Paw Creek Reading Program”

Photo from left to right: Celia Gray Paw Creek, Madge Hopkins Woodland, Sarah Taylor Facilitator Barbara Ullem Paw Creek and Robin Fox Woodland.