Welcome to Paw Creek!
Please join us for:
Prayer in the Sanctuary at 9:30 am
Sunday School Classes at 9:45am
Worship in the Sanctuary at 11:00 am
(Live Streaming Worship online at 11:00 am and available throughout the week)
To watch a live stream of our Service, click one of the links below.
Upcoming Events at Paw Creek
Newsletter – updated every 4th Wednesday
Online Giving is Available
Paw Creek has now implemented Online Giving for the convenience of church members and our friends who worship with us. Please click the following link. Once you click on this link you will be directed to set up an account. You can make you donation as a one time gift, or you can set up recurring transactions. You may use your bank account information to create this payment, or you may use your debit or credit card. (If you use your debit or credit card, you will also be given the option to add the transaction fee to your payment if you choose to do so)
Click here to be taken to our Online Giving Page
For those who like to use mobile apps, you can download the new app: Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement and search for Paw Creek Presbyterian Church.

CFC Reservation Form